Friday, 24 January 2014

Benefits of rice

Rice, which is rich in starch, foods that provide energy and is one of the people. Also very valuable vitamins.
Reportedly rice B1, B2, C and E vitamins, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus are minerals. 

Through all this, the body supports the development of rice. Gives energy to the body and strength. Given the reduced nutritional value of rice husk.
chosen for this reason, the nutritional value of rice bran for protection.
Benefits are as follows:
- Helps with mental activity;
- satisfactory;
- reduces high blood pressure;
- facilitates digestion;
- toxic substances from the body, which helps to draw water;
- helpful for skin health; 
- kidneys useful;

- the proportion of cholesterol in the blood by reducing the impact of cardiovascular diseases,
- prevent diarrhea.
rice with milk helps to increase sexual stamina bisirdikdə. In addition, the whiteness of the skin of boiled rice water and gives vitality.
rice flour is also used to drain the wounds.

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