Friday, 24 January 2014

The long stillness cancels the benefits of fitness

A visit to the gym day is not enough to eliminate the effects on health of long resting on a chair - at least for women, according to a new study.As indicated, the long immobility associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality, as much exercise they do, otherwise.

In fact, the risk of premature death from all causes was increased by 12% in those sitting over 11 hours per day, compared with many were still on a chair for less than 4 hours per day.

Similarly, the risk of death from heart disease was increased by 27% and the risk of dying from cancer by 20% in those long hours sitting.The American scientists who conducted the study also found that the risk is not reduced in women who cared to exercise daily, rather than the other, sedentary obligations.

The study, published in the "American Journal of Preventive Medicine» (AJPM), involved 93,000 postmenopausal women, attended by researchers for 12 years.As explained Dr. Rebecca Segkouin, assistant professor at Cornell University in New York, and colleagues, women begin to lose muscle mass at the age of 35 years - the rate of loss accelerates after menopause.

"Many people assume that if fitness and exercising, will be protected from long immobility for work or entertainment," said Dr. Segkouin. "The reality is that much less protected than you realize."Dr. Segkouin added that in addition to gymnastics, mobility the rest of the day plays a vital role in preserving health.

He continued: "It is very important that middle-aged and younger office workers standing up very often from their chair to walk a bit."Similarly, pensioners have to find ways to not stay at home watching TV, but to spend many hours away from home in motor activities."

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